well, ex bro Furuli--whoever you are--you will get a warm welcome here.
the same goes for any other big watchtower noises.
well known norway elder and watchtower doctrine apologist, (rolf furuli) was disfellowshipped a few days ago for the crime of expressing opinions contrary to some watchtower dictates.. like wt leadership in the past, they have no problem eating their own..
well, ex bro Furuli--whoever you are--you will get a warm welcome here.
the same goes for any other big watchtower noises.
system of things comes to mind.
what does that mean to anyone not a jw?.
how long have you been in the truth?
whats a submarine witness ?
many of us have watched the gb #4 update.
most of us jumped for joy when they basically said that there will be no meeting in person for a long time to come.. one aspect we overlooked was how hard they hit home the "love of neighbor".
how this "love" is what makes a true christian and as a result our love for our neighbors will motivate us to stay at home.. well now they released a letter that is instructing all kh's to view this video during their local needs part.
whats to stop a bro logging in to zoom--but having a tv program on at the same time ?
all my jw life i was reminded constantly about the importance of not bringing reproach on jehovah's name.
decisions on whether or not to disfellowship an individual often turned, not on the seriousness of the sin, but on whether the incident was public knowledge and had resulted in bad publicity for the congregation.
i recall a middle-aged lady being reported to the elders for shoplifting a sweet worth less than £1- and the elders' insistence that a judicial committee must be formed because the store manager and staff knew that she was a jw (i successfully argued that all she needed was support for her dreadful family life, but that's another story).
i think the biggest reproach the watchtower cult bring upon their gods name is
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
i hear this from the leftist idiots all the time.
if someone breaks into your home 6 bullets are enough.
well if its a one of i would argue that i still my need more round for even just one person.
it looks like P.Rising has left us. Maybe one of his arsenal got the draw on him.
he talks about how a group of 5,000 broke away from the organization due to distrust of government agents infiltrating the jws.
they weren't regarded as apostates, just distrustful.
he uses phrases like "their leader" and "his elders", and how they had a meeting with the governing body and made the decision for all these thousands to reintegrate them into the jws, splitting them up among congregations.
that was this weeks video.
but the elders cant say: liberry, pitcher, aks, pronounsiation, mono-tone-us, unconscience.
our cong servant (1960's) couldnt manage OHIO.
it was I-O-HOI.
also--one evening he was ranting and raving about an imminent circo visit--and said that one service meet up would be in LIN COLLON ROAD. someone piped up--its pronounced LIN_CON, brother...to which he bellowed--someone's put an L in it.
naughty, naughty little children - going to beaches on a sunny day.. "health secretary matt hancock has "made clear we do have the powers to go back in and act"".
i prefer my local beach..not so crowded
"16 april 2020 | comment | article by alan collins.
jehovah’s witness elder sentenced to nine years in prison for sexual abuse.
jehovah’s witness elder, clifford whiteley, has been sentenced to nine years in prison at the birmingham crown court for sexual abuse offences he committed against a child member of the congregation over ten years ago.. mr whiteley initially denied the offences to the police, despite the fact that he had admitted his guilt during an internal investigation of the jehovah’s witnesses.. during court proceedings, mr whiteley’s defence counsel, sharon bailey, stated that the jehovah’s witnesses refused to disclose the details of his confession to the police.
shhheee it. i used to attend West Bromwich # Churchfields congregation---which shared a rented dump of a hall with Great Bridge congregation--this was 1966-71.
this criminal is about the same age as me--but i dont recognise the name.
i used to watch his videos on the monthly gb talks.
he has went over the top a few times doing one video on why being liberal idiot is a good thing.
he has made comments on the usa not knowing shit about what he was desperately trying to talk about.
just think if the watchtower had remained a purely American cult.
a lot of us wouldnt be on here !